
Dr. Jim Fox

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Las Vegas, NV



Children fall ill all the time and it can often be difficult to figure out whether they are suffering from an allergy or hearing loss whether they have simply caught some virus or infection. While allergies often surface after a child crosses the age of four, some of them may start to show signs of food allergies even before that. Otherwise, children below this age may be reacting to dust or pollen in the air.

Nasal allergies are very common and they can often lead to larger problems like asthma. These signs include itchy noses, sneezing, congestion in the nose and nasal drainage. Observing the weather conditions when your child most frequently gets these problems could help a doctor in determining whether it is an allergy or not.

Sore Throats

Very often, an extra amount of mucus may be produced due to an allergy. This can lead to a nose dripping or leaking down the back of the throat which then becomes a post-nasal drip. When this happens, it affects the throat which can then come out in the form of a cough, a husky voice or a sore throat.

Ear Infections

Otitis Media, commonly called the middle ear infection, is a very common medical problem that is seen in children. Usually, kids who suffer from this problem when they are below 2 years of age do not suffer due to an allergy. However, as they get older, allergies could play a big role in fluid that is found behind the ear drum, infections or uncomfortable air pressure in this area.

Sleep Disorders

If your kid is suffering from either seasonal allergic rhinitis or year-round allergic rhinitis, one of the most common symptoms is nasal obstruction. When there is congestion in the nasal region, sleep disorders often occur. Since the nasal airway is used as the common route for a person when they sleep, any congestion or obstruction can lead to snoring or sleep apnea. Sleeping disorders then lead to fatigue which not only affects the quality of life of the child but is has also been seen to affect their performance in school and their overall development.


Children who suffer from persistent sinusitis should be checked for allergies. Studies have shown that allergic children are more likely to get large adenoids. Adenoids are tonsil-like tissues that are found at the back of the nose. If you visit a pediatrician, they will study the medical history of your child and conduct an exam to determine whether he or she is likely to be suffering from some kind of allergy.