President's Message

        The scope of practice of our profession has changed over time as new technologies arose and new understandings came to light regarding the functioning of the ear and its relationship to the body. We, as a Society, seek to improve the professional standards of Hearing Instrument Specialists, to promote ethical principles that lend dignity to the profession and insure continued public confidence in the profession, and to promote goodwill and cooperation among those engaged in the general field of hearing services. By joining the Society, each MHS member gives their agreement to these goals and helps, by their input, to shape the decisions that will determine our collective future.

        When we, as the MHS, adopted the Practice Profile for Hearing Health Dispensers, it was to provide a guide and, in some ways, an inspiration. It can be used to provide a framework for structuring the form of your practice. It can offer ways to expand your patient services. It can affirm that you are on the right path already and encourage you to strengthen your successful actions. Successful actions are those actions that bring about an uptrend in production and ultimately financial stability.

        In a world that is becoming increasingly regulated, and with the addition of the OTC products, it is wise to define ourselves rather than to wait for others to do so. It is in our best interests to share our ideas about our ways of practicing and our profession to create a richer understanding of how hearing healthcare professionals interact with and serve the public. In the future, legislative issues will arise and each member's opinion will be very important in structuring the position and, thus the response, of the MHS to these issues. We must seize the opportunity to be the stewards and guides of our profession and be proactive instead of reactive.

        Please, throughout the year communicate with those who serve on the MHS Board and express your opinion. If this were the only way in which you could participate in Society endeavors, be assured it is a valid and significant contribution. As your elected President, I am always interested in hearing what you have to say and learning how we can better serve your needs. If there is ever anything I or the Society in general can do to help you or our field as a whole do not hesitate to contact me and I will gladly listen to your input and do what I can to use your suggestions and input for the greater good of the Society.

        This Directory provides valuable data about how your Society operates and its focus. It also handily lists the names, phone numbers, fax numbers, and even e-mail addresses of your Officers and Directors. As our swiftly changing world brings crossroads to light, pull out this Directory, contact your Officers and Directors, and share your point of view. It has impact, as do YOU!

        Our Society is an amazing group of caring and professional people comprising hundreds of years of practical experience…put that experience to good use. There is always someone out there with a new idea or way of doing business you may not have thought of or one you have that someone could benefit from. We all benefit from our networking and shared knowledge and experience. Please, be a part of positive change to help enhance our shared future. Thank you!

Tom Wright
MHS President