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2025 Carolina Hearing Healthcare Conference

April 4-6, 2025 LEARN MORE


Thank you for attending the 2024 Carolina Hearing HealthCare Conference!

We want to thank you all for attending and making this year's conference one of our best! We had a great line up of talent! We received several compliments regarding content, location and the fact it was FUN! We spread the fun and classes over three days (enabling folks to obtain their needed hours on a schedule that fit their needs). 


Friday, we closed out our day sipping a beverage of choice overlooking the beach (sponsored by STARKEY) while enjoying amazing magic tricks performed right in front of our eyes. How did he put all those red foam balls into Heather's hand? Saturday was a solid day of learning, I particularly enjoyed the parts about personalities, learning more about mine, how to interact better with others and how that plays out in our offices. We capped off the night with an amazing beach dance party and auction raising $15,000.00 for the relief effort in Western NC through our vendor donations. Our vendors are fantastic! They donated their time, went to the “afterparty” and provided valuable merchandise for our auction. Everyone was so generous – I thank you all for your help. If you missed the chance to bid on any of our auction items but would still like to help with our cause, reach out to me or anyone on our board. 


On Saturday Jennifer Shockley was voted in as your new secretary (SC). I must give a shout out to her...she filled in when our old secretary moved out of state. Jennifer celebrated her birthday with us at the event that she kept so well organized. We look forward to continuing my work with her. She makes it all seem so easy!!


Sunday, we enjoyed the sunrise again from our balcony – BEAUTIFUL. I always love a good sunrise/sunset, and we had more than our share. It was picture perfect! Another great meal – the food was fabulous! We finished our remaining classes, fourteen (14) CEU's in all, said our “goodbye's”. Parting is always difficult amongst so many great friends and colleagues. We were on the road before noon! 


Now we are working on bringing you another GREAT event. We are planning to host a Spring/Summer event in Western, SC. Please be on the lookout for more information and definitely plan to attend.


Thank you for your support, generosity and desire to make our profession the best it can be!


Your Presidents,


Brad Odom, President, SCHAS


Clell Hamm, President, NCHAP



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Alissa Parady, IHS Executive Director