Why be a SCHAS member?

We have 38 year history as an organization,

but never before has membership been more critical than now!

ATTENTION Hearing Aid Specialists and Hearing Care Providers...


As we know, in 2017 President Trump signed into law the Food and Drug Administration Reauthorization Act of 2017, legislation that includes the Over the Counter Hearing Aid Act designed to provide greater public accessibility and affordability with over-the-counter (OTC) hearing aids. OTC hearing aids will soon be making their way onto shelves, there are several bills recently introduced to include hearing aids under Medicare coverage that exclude hearing aid specialist and only allow audiologist to be providers, an increasing number of states are deregulating hearing aid licensure, and our very own state of South Carolina faces challenges in getting new people licensed due to the way the exam fees are written into our laws. We also have more third party companies that continue to become a stronger presence in our
marketplace. We need your support!