Code of Ethics


This Code of Ethics is for all Members in good standing of the Massachusetts Hearing Society. This Code is to set standards of honesty, integrity, and professional conduct for those who test human hearing and engage in the selection and fitting of hearing instruments and assistive devices. 

These principles have been adopted to help ensure the public confidence in the integrity of our Members. 

All Members agree to abide by the decision of the Ethics Review Board should a violation be deemed to have occurred. 

Rules of Ethics, Section 1 

A. Dispensers will provide competent service.

B. Dispensers will use all the resources necessary, including referrals to other specialists, as needed.

C. Dispensers will provide professional services without regard to race, sex, religion, national origin, disability, age, or sexual orientation.

D. Dispensers will fully inform the consumer of any possible side effects from a product or service rendered.

E. Dispensers will evaluate the effectiveness of their product and provide that product when a reasonable benefit can be expected. 

F. Dispensers may make a statement of prognosis, but shall not guarantee results, mislead, or misinform their patient. 

G. Dispensers will not evaluate or treat hearing disorders solely by correspondence. 

H. Dispensers will maintain adequate record of services and products provided, and allow access to those records by the appropriate legal authority or the Ethics Review Board for investigation purposes. 

I. Dispensers will not provide any personal or professional information regarding their patient without proper legal order, but may do so to protect the welfare of that person or the general public. 

K. Dispensers may not use persons in research or as subjects of teaching demonstrations without their informed consent.

L. Dispensers will remove themselves from professional practice when substance abuse or mental instability may affect your performance. 


Rules of Ethics, Section 2 

A. Dispensers will only provide services within the scope of their education, training, and competence. 

B. Dispensers should engage in continuing education or any form of education that increases their ability to dispense hearing instruments, but it is not required. 

C. Dispensers will prohibit any staff person from providing services or products that exceed their level of knowledge and competence. 

D. Dispensers will ensure that all equipment used in the delivery of services is maintained in good working order and/or calibrated. 

Rules of Ethics, Section 3 

A. Dispensers will not misrepresent their credentials, education competence, or experience. 

B. Dispensers will not mislead an individual with regard to test results, services, or products, or engage in any activity to defraud an individual. 

C. Dispensers will not initiate or participate in any activity that is a conflict of interest. 

D. Dispensers will not make false, misleading, or unproven statements, in public or printed communications, and abide by current professional standards and practices. 

E. Dispensers will not delay or cause to be delayed, services to an individual without just cause. 

F. Dispensers will not discontinue service to an individual without providing reasonable notice and unless any obligation has been met. 

G. Dispensers will always keep the best interests of their clients first. 

Rules of Ethics, Section 4 

A. Dispensers will prohibit any employee from providing information, services, and products that violate these Rules of Ethics. 

B. Dispensers will not provide services or products that they may deem inappropriate or incorrect, regardless of the referral source or prescription. 

C. Dispensers will inform the Ethics Review Board when there is reason to believe that a Member of the Society has violated the Rules of Ethics. 

D. Dispenser will cooperate with the Ethics Review Board in any matter relating to the Rules of Ethics.