MHHP By-Laws


Your Board worked hard, in conjunction with the International Hearing Society, in creating these By-Laws.  The By-Laws were put forth for vote at the 2019 Convention.   All voting members present at that 2019 Convention passed and adopted these By-Laws.  As a current member of the Minnesota Hearing Healthcare Providers, Inc., these are Your By-Laws.  Read them, get to know them, help maintain them.  You, the Member, have put Your trust in Your Board.  Your Board responded by implementing the changes needed in bringing our Society to within standards needed to be  a full fledged Affiliate State Chapter of the International Hearing Society.  Your Board is responsible in keeping Our Society current and in line with these standards and meeting Our Society's commitment to being a full fledged Affiliate State Chapter of the International Hearing Society. 

To download a copy of the By-Laws
Please Click Below


