2023 Board of Directors BOD Nominations

MHHP Board Positions
  • Positions on the MHHP Board of Directors are held for two-year periods.  The election cycles are staggered so that each year some of the positions are up for election.
  • Nominations are opened up in January and elections are held at the annual business meeting each March. 

Nominating Committee

  1. There shall be a standing Nominating Committee with the current Vice-President as Chair.  The Committee shall consist of the current Director-at Large and any active past MHHP Presidents.  If less than three members are available, the Chair will appoint a current member to the committee who is not affiliated with the same hearing aid manufacturer as the other standing members.
  2. At least thirty (30) days prior to the annual election the Nominating Committee shall submit to the Board of Directors the slate of nominees to be considered by the membership.  This list shall be distributed to MHHP members prior to the Annual Business Meeting.
  3. Nominations from the floor may be made by voting members at the Annual Business meeting held during the Convention.
  4. A Nominee must agree to serve in the position for which they are nominated for.

Nominations may be submitted by forwarding an email to at least one of the Nominating Committee Members with the Candidate's full name, Title, and Position being nominated for.  The Nominating Committee will verify the nominee meets the required criteria and is willing to accept the nomination prior to being placed on the ballot.   

2023 Positions up for Election will be
listed here in December, 2022

Nominating Committee Members
Scott Hagans:
Richard FJ Caruso:
Gregory Wales:
